We courageously go.

Jesus didn’t leave his followers with a religion, he left them with a mission. Our mission is to spread this Jesus movement everywhere we go and to the ends of the earth. Driven by discipleship we live everyday, everywhere, on mission.

We are the light in the darkness.

Our Vision for Missions

  • Jesus said the poor you will always have with you (Matthew 26:11). James said true religion is caring for widows and orphans (James 1:27). Jesus said whatever you have done for the prisoner you have done for me (Matthew 25:40). It will be impossible for us to elevate the name of Jesus without caring for the least of these.

    Over the next 10 years we will give $1,000,000 away to serve the poor, the orphan, the unborn, and the widow. We will partner to see 1000 women and girls set free from trafficking in Jesus' name. We will see foster homes opened and orphans adopted and partner to end the generational cycles of poverty in Clarkston.

  • An unreached or least-reached people is a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group without outside assistance. This means there is less than or equal to 5% Christian Adherent AND less than or equal to 2% Evangelical (Joshua Project). For us engaging an unreached people group means at least 2 of these 3 things have happened: A Bible has been translated into that people group's language, a long term worker has been placed in that people group, an indigenous multiplying community of Jesus followers has been established.

  • We are preparing to plant churches in North Africa, Belgium, Moldova, Panama, & Brazil.

  • We believe in the multidimensional impact of sending people on mission the right way. These trips will be local as well as global. We will work locally with our partners in Clarkston to reach the nations that have been brought to us. Additionally, we will send mission teams all over the world. Our focus will be holistic ministry, that empowers and supports indigenous people, works through the local church and prioritizes disciple making and gospel proclamation.



Dominican Republic

April & June

We are partnering with Mission of Hope to send two mission trips to the Dominican Republic

Located in the middle of the country is Mission of Hopes beautiful Jarabacoa Campus. Serving in the Dominican Republic on a mission trip with Mission of Hope will be a life changing experience for you and your team. 

Your missions team will play a vital role in the ministry happening in the Dominican Republic by serving alongside the local churches and leaders to help meet the needs of the people in the communities. Trips include construction projects, medical care and clinics, evangelism, and other ministry opportunities, such as Vacation Bible School and sports camps.

Arabian Peninsula

July, 2024

In the heart of the AP we will have the chance to send a team of people to intercede on behalf of the nations. The AP is notoriously one of the most spiritually urgent areas in the world. This will be a small team and this trip will be application only. 


January, March, September, December

Located in Cairo, we have the opportunity to send 3 more trips to Egypt in 2024! On a trip you will have the opportunity to experience Cross Cultural immersion, learn to care for the refugees who have fled to Egypt from Sudan, and come alongside the long term work in spreading hope all over the city. 

You will play a role in teaching lessons at the local school. Your boldness will expand. Your vision for the nations will grow! This trip is an incredible opportunity to jump into Gods heart for the world.


May, 2024

Due to the decline in Christianity in Europe, Belgium is one of the most unchurched countries in Europe. Out of the 581 districts in Belgium, 382 have no known church. We have partnered with a Discipleship Movement all across Belgium called Recruits.

RECRUITS is an aspiring Belgian “Disciple Making Movement” (DMM). They seek to rediscover the ancient art of making disciples and see authentic and radical gospel transformation in their own lives as well as in this nation. In doing so, Recruits aims to contribute to launching a movement of revival and renewal that arises in the heart of Europe and sweeps through the Western world as they see the reality of God’s Kingdom established in our stories, our practices, our communities and our environments.

Join us for their Spring Conference as we join together with Recruits in our vision to see Disciple makers multiplied.

What are we doing?

  • In the midst of the pandemic, a group of people decided to feed families in Sandy Springs who were without food. Now they are a full functioning non-profit called Solidarity Sandy Springs. Elevate City Church partners with Solidarity to provide donations and volunteers.

  • Many people don't know this, but Clarkston—a suburb just outside of Atlanta—is home to refugees from every major conflict in the world. Clarkston is the most diverse square mile in the US, and Parc 1000 is one of the biggest neighborhoods in Clarkston. We are devoted to serving and loving this specific community in Clarkston. We have a missionary, Hilary Cheeseman, who lives in the heart of Clarkston and serves the families there. As a church, we want to consistently go to Clarkston and serve. Once a month, Elevate City will have a “Serve Day” where we will spend time loving, praying and serving our refugee neighbors.

  • City of Refuge is a faith-based environment that helps individuals and families transition out of crisis. City of Refuge is located in downtown Atlanta. As a church we partner with them during our City Serve events to come alongside their efforts to serve the people of Atlanta.

  • Most people assume that Belgium is a Christian country; however, due to the decline of Christianity in Europe, it is actually one of the most unchurched countries in the continent. Out of the 581 districts in Belgium, 382 have no known church. It is our mission to have a clear focus on sharing the gospel, discipling people, and surveying areas to unearth places and people who are ready to receive the gospel.

  • We have partnered with Compassion International to plant a church in Chinandega, Nicaragua. This church has over 150 kids that come every week to hear the gospel, and it functions as a worship gathering for the city every Sunday. We have a role to play in serving this church and sponsoring every kid that calls this church home. We will be taking short-term mission trips in the future to serve in Chinandega!

  • She Is Safe envisions every girl safe, free, and equipped to become the woman God has created her to be – contributing to a stronger future for everyone. Our church partners with She Is Safe to free and equip girls who are most at risk of being trafficked in areas of the world where sexual slavery is rampant.

  • Compassion International is a child-advocacy ministry pairing compassionate people with children living in extreme poverty to release the children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty. We partner with Compassion through their Child Sponsorship program to sponsor kids in poverty.

  • We partner globally with Operation Mobilization. Operation Mobilization seeks to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached. They want to see 25,000 new vibrant communities of Jesus followers being launched every year, by 2030. We partner with them through multiple ways to see this mission accomplished.

Thomas Cheeseman

Thomas is our Community Pastor, and he wants to connect you to opportunities to serve our community and our world. If you want to know more or have any questions, click the button below.


And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20